Well, to continue with my story about my destiny! It seems I was unawares of a little fact til after I met my fiance. I finally had told my ex-husband that I had met someone else and about to get married again. When I told him my fiance is from England. He was abnormally shocked and not so surprised. It was when he finally told me why. He said that when we had first been married 9 years ago that in my sleep I would talk about England. Imagine my shock! That is another piece of divine nature intervening on my behalf. Who knows why I was doing that back then. As far as I recall, I don't remember watching any shows about England at the time. But to top it all off, my ex chose not to tell me til recently. I asked him why. He said he was afraid that I would run off to England so soon after our wedding. Who knows what I would have done??
I really feel like it is my ancestors calling to me from deep within my genetic blueprint to go back home to England. And that urge is getting stronger the closer my fiance gets to closing the contract. One more week and it is done. The next three months will be quite a ride as he and I get ready for our wedding day, and then we have to take another business trip to Dubai which will double as our honeymoon after he concludes his business there. All of that won't leave me much time to get settled in our new home until we get back from the trip. Once back, then I will take my time getting our house decorated the way I want for our family.
Another reason that my destiny is leading me to England is my career. I just started a freelance graphic design career. And the UK is crying out for those to fill that position. It is in high demand. I won't have no trouble finding a job there. I can be entry-level or what they call a junior designer until I feel comfortable enough to branch out on my own in my home. But that will wait. I told my fiance that I won't work for at least six months until we are settled in our new routine and I am used to the time difference. My body will have to adjust to jumping ahead 6 hours. That will be rough. All I know is that my fiance and I have trust and faith in God to see us thru our trials and to help us merge our lives together.
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